Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Sorry about the delay in posting... okay, massive delay. My allergies have been bothering me terribly, only to get somewhat better and then come down with the flu/cold/something a little in between. It's been a lot of sleepless nights coughing and even worse: several days of no voice. But in the meantime, I seemed to have also doubled in size...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I think this picture is more of an indication that I need to clean my mirror more than how big my belly has developed.
I'm a little over 6 months and according to the 'What to Expect' newsletter I receive weekly, Jaxon is now the size of an eggplant.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just Another Thursday

I'm late again with Tummy Tuesday. We've got a lot going on though. But without any further ado: my six month belly

Jaxon has started kicking so hard we've actually been able to see my stomach move a bit. He's also developed a strong liking of pineapple, carrots and chocolate chip muffins respectively. Nothing combined thank goodness.

Anthony and I are also in the process of purchasing a condo in Pleasantville. More details to follow AFTER the contracts are signed.