Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family Lunch Date

It was one of those slow afternoons where a leisurely lunch just happened to fit into everyones day. This also happened to be Jaxon's first real restaurant outing (we don't count Foley's because he either sleeps through an entire visit or has enough females around him that he is always the center of attention).

Here's the pics to prove how good he is at socializing:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh, Hello Again

It's been awhile. Okay, more than awhile. Forever. I went on vacation, my computer broke, I forgot my password to get to my blog with the computer I borrowed and oh, hey, I'm on call to my newborn. Things happen.

But I solemnly swear to do my best to be a better blogger from now on.

In the meantime what have you missed? A lot.

Jaxon now 'goo's' a lot, tries to roll over, has rolled over and loves to stand up. He also loves monkeys and is indifferent about sucking his thumb.

I leave you with this pic: taken this weekend at Thanksgiving at my parents house: