Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Week Before Christmas

I returned home Friday afternoon from doing errands and had to practically crawl over the massive amounts of packages that had been delivered.

All Christmas presents for Jaxon of course.

One in particular caught my eye: it's a jumper that I've been told keeps the baby busy for hours and would wear him out.

I went ahead and assembled it tonight in hopes it will allow me to get everything done this week that needs to be.

It might have been Jaxon's present but Christmas certainly came early for mommy this year.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Cuteness to Brighten Your Day

We upgraded Jaxon from sponge bath to baby bathtub during last nights bath time. Needless to say he displayed some "model" behavior.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cream of Chestnut Soup

Anthony loves chestnuts. So when I found a recipe for chestnut soup I knew it would be a marriage faux pas not to attempt it.

I changed things around just a bit and I'm not too good at writing measurements but here's the simple recipe that has had my husband giving me lovingly glances ever since dinner ended:

• 3 tablespoons butter
• 1 small yellow onion finely chopped
• about 1/4 cup marsala wine
• about 3 cups vegetable broth ( I eyeballed this so you may need a bit more)
• 1 bag steamed chestnuts (It either says steamed or cooked. Either way they come in a little bag)
• thyme
• 1/3 cup half and half

• melt the butter in a pot over medium heat. Add onion and cook until the onion is tender.

  • Add marsala, vegetable broth, chestnuts (I chopped them to make life easier before adding them to the pot) and thyme. Stir together and simmer about half an hour. (I think the recipe originally said 20 but the baby had to eat so simmering ended up taking 30 minutes)

  • Process soup in a blender (I did it in batches using a magic bullet). Return the soup to heat and add the half and half.

  • Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook over low heat until cooked thoroughly or your ready to serve.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Jaxon's Christmas Best

Christmas Time Is Here...

We spent most of the week pulling out Christmas decorations, leading up to this weekend when we went out and got our Christmas tree.

Anthony was very adamant that we get it early this year, but having a baby that's more excited about the Christmas lights instead of presents will do that to you.

Here's this year's tannenbaum almost fully decorated:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sick Day

Not only does the baby seem to have gotten his first cold, but sniffles are running rampant throughout the Amato household as well.

Coughing and sneezing are putting a damper on the oh so jolly first day of December.

Here's my little mucus bug having a few minutes of tummy time today:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family Lunch Date

It was one of those slow afternoons where a leisurely lunch just happened to fit into everyones day. This also happened to be Jaxon's first real restaurant outing (we don't count Foley's because he either sleeps through an entire visit or has enough females around him that he is always the center of attention).

Here's the pics to prove how good he is at socializing:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh, Hello Again

It's been awhile. Okay, more than awhile. Forever. I went on vacation, my computer broke, I forgot my password to get to my blog with the computer I borrowed and oh, hey, I'm on call to my newborn. Things happen.

But I solemnly swear to do my best to be a better blogger from now on.

In the meantime what have you missed? A lot.

Jaxon now 'goo's' a lot, tries to roll over, has rolled over and loves to stand up. He also loves monkeys and is indifferent about sucking his thumb.

I leave you with this pic: taken this weekend at Thanksgiving at my parents house:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jaxon likes Monkey's... and Music. Lots of Music.

I just splurged at 'Toys R Us' on musical toys after discovering not only do they distract Jaxon from thinking he's always hungry, but they also pique his interest. Any good suggestions on these toys would be greatly appreciated!

Monday, September 26, 2011

24 Pounds to Lose... Walk On

As per doctor's orders, I can finally be active as of today. Which means Maria vs. The Baby Weight is on. Maxx and Bress are also joining in the fight since they've also gained sympathy baby weight.

Post Mile Walk:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall is Here...

Fall is hands down my favorite season. Perhaps it's because growing up in Florida we never had the luxury of being able to watch the leaves change colors or experiencing the feeling of the air turning brisk for the first time after a sweltering summer. There was no harvest produce. Just oranges. Lots of oranges.

Between football games and baseball games, Anthony and I headed out to Micheal's Crafts store to raid their seasonal sale. Here's the beginning of of my fall bounty.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Must. Have. Sleep.

It's been one of those weeks where the amount of hours we haven't slept, are finally catching up to Anthony and I. Even with the extra shut eye here and the power nap there, the only person who is bright eyed and bushy tailed (or bright eyed and crying) is Jaxon.

Scratch all the material things I may have asked for over the past couple days, I'd just like a morning to sleep in.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Little More Tuesday Lovin'

Puggy Love

I've been slacking on the puppy post lately, but not to fear, Maxx and Brees are handling the newest member of the Amato family quite well. Brees more so than Maxx. Here's a look at the two future best friends:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Doctor's Visit

I had my first doctor's visit post pregnancy this morning so that I could get them thumbs up to return to work on Friday night at Foley's.

In addition to that I was excited for my first post-pregnancy weigh in. To date, I've lost almost all of my pregnancy weight. However, since I was still overweight from um.. the bar.. I still have a 'weighs' to go.

Hello Weight Watchers. Goodbye Dunken Donuts chocolate chip muffins.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Computer Malfunction= Lots to Catch Up On

I've been having computer problems for several days (weeks? When was the last time I posted?).

I was finally able to print out all the pictures I've taken on my phone from the last three weeks and have them printed out the old fashioned way at CVS for my Jaxon scrapbook I'm making. It will serve two purposes:
1. to keep a documentary of his life and 2. to pull out for future girlfriends. Here are some of the best of the best pictures: