Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Bad News....

We just found out today that we were out-bidded on the condo we had our eye on.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Preggo's Guide to Weddings

Wedding Season has officially begun and if anyone thinks they are making plans with Anthony and I for the next couple weekends, we are deeply sorry but we will see you mid-April.

Our first wedding this weekend was a friend of mine and thanks to the stylings of my mom and sister, my first foray into pregnant formal attire went astonishing well.

(As soon as I get more pictures one will be inserted here)

Here are a few other tidbits we quickly learned:
  • High heels are acceptable footwear (mom). But only because weddings are no longer never-ending parties. I now get tummy cramps before foot cramps.
  • Avoid the raw bar completely at cocktail hour. Do not pass it. Do not glance at it. Do not even think about how tasty raw tuna is. Once it's embedded in the weird pregnant part of your brain the cravings start. 
  • Water in a sugar rim laced champagne glass is actually good. 
  • When the bride tells you that you don't look pregnant at all don't be offended, even if you are almost five months pregnant with a huge belly and clearly larger than ever. It is acceptable for a pregnant woman to stuff her face. It is not for a bride and we all know how hungry they are by this point. 

Anthony and I at the bright sunny cocktail hour which took place... inside.

Baby's first wedding. 
Took random pictures to avoid the open bar and/or raw cocktail hour bar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nursery Ideas

We still have a little over three months till we move, but I've already caught the mental decorating bug. Here are two of our top boy/girl nurseries.

Baby Boy Jaxon's Room

Baby Girl Emily's room

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Notes

  • Spent Saturday afternoon maternity shopping with my mom and Jamie. Found heaven in the form of the new 'Forever 21' at the Danbury Mall. Had to put mom on repeat that I do not like stripes. Doesn't matter what store we wonder into- I don't like their stripes either. 
  • Jamie came over Sunday for Sunday Funday. The relaxing mani/pedi kind. 
  • Since there's been a hint of spring in our New York weather, we took the dogs to the dog park for the afternoon.  Before Maxx can even think about playing with the other dogs he must first pee around the entire perimeter of the dog park and then he seeks out the largest dog in the area to mess with. Maxx's body size has yet to grow into his ego.
    Brees prefers the attention of humans and sitting around taking in the scenery.

  • We made a deal on the condo we've been eying for a couple weeks. We hope to get our finances in order so that we can close on it soon. Here's a visual of what you all are keeping your fingers and toes crossed for...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Post St. Patrick's Day

There's no real story to go along with these photos. Just a few snapshots from the day.

Woke up early to make Corned Beef and Cabbage (picture not available because I don't think corned beef looks attractive in any situation) and Irish soda bread. 

I met up with Maggie for "drinks" (pictured below) and to steal Jenna's hat. Being car-less I did walk through town donning my St. Patrick's Day paraphernalia. I got beeped at twice from passing motor vehicles. They too has as much Irish garb on as I did.

Green Sprite. My drink du jour.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sore Throat and a Pile of Dog Poop

There is a distinct correlation between my dog's fur, the seasons about to change and my allergies. When this perfect storm occurs, you can usually find me hiding in my bedroom, the only safe haven I have because it's the one room we don't allow the dogs to play in and nature can't penetrate my basement apartment windows.

It also takes it toll on the puppies moral. Instead of the usual amount of attention they get from me during the day: an extra walk here and there or more time to throw a toy, they are left to each others company. From my bedroom I can hear them running in circles around the coffee table and Bree's less then threatening bark which can only mean Maxx has stolen his favorite toy or chew thing. Once I walk out of my room however to see what is going on I know Maxx will immediately drop whatever he has stolen and give me an innocent look that I am all to familiar with having a younger sister of my own and taken her toys from her many times growing up.

If I don't go out to check on them I know what the consequences will be: Brees retaliating with a stink bomb aka pooping on his favorite spot on the carpet. It is the same area each time and it is strategically placed right where the carpet starts so you can't miss his small present.

With my allergies flaring up and a sore throat setting in, I retired to my bedroom for most of the afternoon with anything hot I could nuke up in the microwave to eat and drink and sooth of the pain of not being able to take any medicine while I'm pregnant. I hear the inevitable commotion outside of the dogs chasing each other, Maxx taking Brees' chew thing and then I hear something slightly different: Brees realizing that he is bigger, stronger and fatter than Maxx and instead of letting him have the toy, he's taking it back. Ferocity ensues and then stillness.

I jump from my bed and swing open the door, partially to make sure one of them hadn't killed the other and partially because I pictured Maxx in a triumphant little dog defeats big dog pose sitting on Brees holding him down to teach him who's boss. It is then I realize the joke is on me.

In the mist of the chaos each dog has taken the time to poop a little right in front of my door directly under where my ironically brown slipper sits. The dogs are laying calmly near the doorway to the living room on their bed staring at me with wide eyes as if they knew I would rush out of my bedroom at any second and be privy to what they had left me.

As I stare at them, Brees slowly gets to his feet and shakes, fur flying everywhere. I sneeze and at the same time get a whiff of the damage through my pregnancy heightened sense of smell.

The perfect shit storm.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby Belly...or Beef Stroganoff?

17 weeks pregnant or ate too much beef stroganoff and peanut butter pie for dinner tonight?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Annual Vet Visit

There is no amount of the treats in this world that can convince our chihuahua mixed puppy, Maxx that the veterinarian is his friend. Our pug Brees however, loves strangers, barking at walls and tug of war with (insert your favorite object here). All and all, he could care less that we were taking a field trip to the vet to get a check up, unlike Maxx who clung to Anthony's arm and shook uncontrollably as we walked through the front door and waited patiently in the lobby.

Brees went first, taking his checkup in stride and even wagging his tail as the doctor scolded him for being slightly overweight. For that he would be getting the smaller of the two treats at the end of the visit but not until Maxx took his turn on the cold, metal examining table.

Maxx is the smaller of the two and the most affectionate, but at this moment he needed a muzzle and lots of cooing to prevent him from biting off the doctor's hand while giving him a shot. During a more recent visit in which I rushed him to the vet because I thought he swallowed too much stuffing from a toy, the same muzzle had to be use in which another doctor implied that Maxx must have been abused or beaten at some point which was her only explanation for his refusal to be held by anyone but me and acting as if being placed on that examining table would seal his doggy fate. Needless to say we had a long talk on the car ride home that day on his theatrics and I believed he listened since he was acting more like himself now during this particular visit.

After leaving Anthony and I alone with the dogs in the examining room for a few moments, the doctor returned with the results of several test they had done on each dog during their checkup. Maxx passed with flying colors while it turns out Brees contracted Lymes Disease. Now it was the vet's turn to scold Anthony and I. In between explaining the symptoms and medications what we both saw in the doctor's eyes was 'you should have known an unwanted tick was clinging to your puppy's skin burrowing under it's fur', and while we check both dogs for bugs normally, we had relaxed on the procedure during the winter time believing that's what ticks did too.

$500 and then some later in doctor's fees, medical bills and medicine, all four of us climbed back into the car to head home. Both dogs rode back quietly without squirming around or panting in car ride excitement. Brees for his part, laid in the back sullenly not because of his current diagnoses but because it had sunk in that he did in fact get the smaller of the two treats.