Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Preggo's Guide to Weddings

Wedding Season has officially begun and if anyone thinks they are making plans with Anthony and I for the next couple weekends, we are deeply sorry but we will see you mid-April.

Our first wedding this weekend was a friend of mine and thanks to the stylings of my mom and sister, my first foray into pregnant formal attire went astonishing well.

(As soon as I get more pictures one will be inserted here)

Here are a few other tidbits we quickly learned:
  • High heels are acceptable footwear (mom). But only because weddings are no longer never-ending parties. I now get tummy cramps before foot cramps.
  • Avoid the raw bar completely at cocktail hour. Do not pass it. Do not glance at it. Do not even think about how tasty raw tuna is. Once it's embedded in the weird pregnant part of your brain the cravings start. 
  • Water in a sugar rim laced champagne glass is actually good. 
  • When the bride tells you that you don't look pregnant at all don't be offended, even if you are almost five months pregnant with a huge belly and clearly larger than ever. It is acceptable for a pregnant woman to stuff her face. It is not for a bride and we all know how hungry they are by this point. 

Anthony and I at the bright sunny cocktail hour which took place... inside.

Baby's first wedding. 
Took random pictures to avoid the open bar and/or raw cocktail hour bar.

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