Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I woke up with a severe case of allergies this morning that prevented me from doing anything all day besides rest, eat leftover Easter candy and complain. The baby seemed to be in the exact same mood as well, since everytime I coughed or sneezed he would kick me real hard as if to tell me I was making HIM uncomfortable.

We're also still house hunting, since our "right house, right now" home fell through. We've put in several offers and we have a list of more to see this week.

In the meantime, we're carrying on our lives like we're not stressed over having nowhere to live. Anthony started Spring/Summer softball yesterday as I sat and cheered  him on as him team lost... um by ten points in the 5th inning.

And finally... for the first time in a couple weeks: I'm actually posting 'Tummy Tuesday' on Tuesday. Jaxon is officially 23 weeks old and kicks like a maniac; especially to music played on the jukebox at the bar and to Jamie's delight: Lady Gaga. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cake Pop Easter Basket

I had a baby doctor's appointment this morning: one of those pee in a cup, listen to the heart beat and get out of the office kind of check ups. Everything seemed okay, except the doctor couldn't hide the slight surprise on his face at Jaxon moving around as much as he was. Since Anthony and I mostly prefer to spend time on the lazier end of the life spectrum, I will be eying each family member individually to find out where this gene mutated from. Good luck and godspeed when I figure it out.

With the appointment earlier then my normal Friday would have started I finished the Cake Pop Easter egg basket that I started last night. Behold: the most difficult cupcake I've ever made...

The butterfly isn't edible.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tardy Tummy Thursday

I forgot to post this picture on Tuesday...

Please note for anyone that noticed the floor rather than my belly (eh hem: my mom): the clothes in the background is our growing pile of baby clothes AND I decided to take this picture mid-folding the laundry pile I just washed on the floor in the background.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

House Inspection Day

We are another step closer to closing on our house and because I'm beside myself with excitement (and decorating ideas) I'm posting a few more pictures that I took today during the inspection.

Front yard

Backyard- back deck and basement entrance

Basement aka 'Man Cave'

Laundry Room and Ant's rear end

Dining Room

Living Room facing the front door

Monday, April 11, 2011

The House

After spending the past several weeks scourging the area for available houses and inevitably being more and more disappointed with each one we saw, our realtor, who has been worthless up until this point, finally got us in to see a home we had been trying for over a week to see.

I now present to you what will hopefully be our new home:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Couple New Outfits

I found a couple baby boy outfits at Macy's last week and couldn't pass them up. Now before everyone starts telling me not to go crazy with baby clothes because Jaxon will grow out of them real fast, not to worry I happen to have a small baby sized chihuahua that also fits perfectly into them.

The 'day trip to my Grandparent's house' outfit. 

'Game day with Daddy' outfit

'I can get make you think I'm cute even when I spit up' outfit

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Baby Registry

Just wanted to give everyone a list of places I registered at (I will be adding this list to the side of the blog so you don't need to refer to this post each time)

Please note: your thank you cards from our wedding WILL be sent out before the baby arrives. We're having a photographer malfunction and are attempting to extract our wedding photos from their clutches. 

- Registry includes: bottles, clothes, bath needs, strollers and a few toys I found irresistible
- Because I'm obsessed with Pottery Barn and it's Junior Varsity Nursery I added stuff from that to decorate the nursery. I also threw in a few bath towels with animal ears on them because when I pictured Jaxon cuddling up in them after bath time I couldn't stop smiling. 

- I made a list, checked it twice and then went to Walmart and registered. If it wasn't anywhere else I put it here.

First Baby Clothes... and a First House?

I woke up this morning to find a package on the kitchen table from my mom containing some maternity clothes and two baby outfits. Those being the first baby clothes I've received, it took everything I had not to carry them around with me all day because they are so cute and I'm just that excited.

Anthony and I also spent the afternoon house hunting. We've narrowed it down to two places that we really like but before I get into those details we have a couple more we are seeing this week. In order not to put a jinx on us like I did before, you'll have to hold out for those pictures. 

If all goes well this week I'll be showering you with details and dinner invites. 

Fingers crossed.