Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I woke up with a severe case of allergies this morning that prevented me from doing anything all day besides rest, eat leftover Easter candy and complain. The baby seemed to be in the exact same mood as well, since everytime I coughed or sneezed he would kick me real hard as if to tell me I was making HIM uncomfortable.

We're also still house hunting, since our "right house, right now" home fell through. We've put in several offers and we have a list of more to see this week.

In the meantime, we're carrying on our lives like we're not stressed over having nowhere to live. Anthony started Spring/Summer softball yesterday as I sat and cheered  him on as him team lost... um by ten points in the 5th inning.

And finally... for the first time in a couple weeks: I'm actually posting 'Tummy Tuesday' on Tuesday. Jaxon is officially 23 weeks old and kicks like a maniac; especially to music played on the jukebox at the bar and to Jamie's delight: Lady Gaga. 

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