Friday, July 29, 2011

Little Baby Things

Some baby loot finally arrived in the mail today. We have Baby Shower # 2 tomorrow and a couple more packages should be arriving by next week at the latest. THEN hopefully I'll have my JMA starter kit ready for this kid to be fashionably early.

Onesies plus I also ordered him a summer swaddling sleeper (not pictured)

Since burp clothes never even crossed my mind until Aunt Kathy sent them for my baby shower, I ordered some more. Rumor has it I use to spit up a lot as a kid.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Balls to the Wall: Maxx's Surgery

One of the last "chores" Anthony and I had to get done before the baby arrived was getting Maxx neutered.
The side effects of this little procedure will hopefully make our lives a little easier: I can rest assure that when Jaxon steals one of  his toys he won't get upset and ideally he'll stop peeing on Jaxon's towel that's already hanging on the bathroom door.

Because we have to separate the dogs for the time being, Maxx is in the luxurious recovery center in Connecticut: Grand Dog Ma's.

Brees, Jaxon and I are currently having date night.

He Wants Me to Believe He Wasn't in the Garbage

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nap Time

Tummy Tuesday

The Princess and the Sciatic Nerve

After an impromptu doctor's appointment yesterday, I found out that the severe back pain I've been having for days that has rendered me almost completely helpless, was a sciatic nerve problem. Completely unrelated to baby Jaxon and basically just something that's making me more uncomfortable during pregnancy.

As for Jaxon, he's still curled up in my belly, kicking away as healthy and as happy as one can be right now.

The doctor ultimately recommended physical therapy and with my part time writing job waning off to get ready for my maternity leave, lots of rest.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Funday

My Sunday Funday this week is consisting of a late dinner, laundry, giving the dogs a bath and trying to relieve some of the terrible back pain I've been having lately.

If mommy's not happy, nobody's happy...


Friday, July 22, 2011

Watching TV

The July Heat Wave

According to the dashboard temperature in Anthony's car, the weather outside had reached 100 degrees by 3pm this afternoon. Needless to say the air conditioner was on full blast as we headed to our doctor's appointment today. Not even my fifteen years spent living in Florida could prepare me for being eight months pregnant in the middle of a New York July heat wave.

I was surprised the baby hadn't melted out of me. I was even more surprised my feet and ankles had stayed at a reasonable enough size for me to still be able to wear my flip flops. A feat in itself.

Alls well on the baby front.

Maxx would also like everyone to know that he too, loves the baby belly.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Brees and My Belly

I DO Have a Green Thumb

I went outside the tend to the patio garden this morning and it seems as though the herb seeds we thought had gone completely dormant given the fact that Anthony bought them for me about three years ago, did in fact, just need a little loving.

In case you were wondering (and I don't even know if you were), the 'soil' is actually a sponge so that you can technically grow the herbs indoors.

and here's an update on my star plant:
the jalapenos

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Misbehaving Pups

My dogs aren't exactly known for their perfect behavior. If there's a pee stain, it's more than likely that Maxx had something to do with it. If there is a paper ripped up, Brees is probably nearby. But since we've moved, with the exception of the occasional accident, my puppies have been angels.

Until this morning.

They've gotten on a normal walking routine, but today it seemed Brees couldn't be bothered with schedules. He left a huge pile of poop in the middle of the floor. Maxx also woke up on the wrong side of the doggy bed, he's been growling as a ferociously as any little dog could about nothing in particular. After a stern talk about morning manors (nobody is a morning person in this household) Maxx decided to put himself on time out:

Friends again

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vote For Maxx and Brees!

Vote for Maxx and Brees here:

I don't know what they win, but by this age these two need to start making a living.

Tummy Tuesday

Allegedly by this point, the baby should be big enough where he doesn't have enough room to move around as much. This is not the case with Jaxon Matthew. Weighing in at a little over five pounds and facing up in the downward position, he is still moving around way more than all the online newsletters and books deem normal.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Unexpectant Trip to the Doctors

I'm not sure if my blatter woke me up this morning or the cramps, but whatever the case Jaxon had me up at 4am in discomfort. When the cramps continued, I reluctantly called the doctor and all I could think about was: we don't have a car seat and we don't have night gowns (night outfits?). A very long sonogram later (not that I minded I've been waiting for this sonogram for months), it was decided that Jaxon looked healthy and was still snuggled peacefully in his embryonic sac. He did however, manage to kick the sonogram wand away from my belly at one point.

We also found out he weighs a little over five pounds at this point and at the same time, Mommy has gained five pounds.

Nothing but watermelon and carrots till birth, Jaxon.

My other babies have been following me around all day, keeping an eye on the situation.

The Peppers are Coming...

The patio garden is finally starting to show some more signs of bloomage, however, the green bell pepper still has its one flower sprout and the red pepper has yet to make an appearance. The farthest plant along in the sprouting league is the jalapeno peppers which after a long weekend in the sun, now look like this:

Spicy hot we come.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Starting to Give Mommy's Closet a Run for Her Money

The Baby Shower

Nobody throws a party better than when my mom, sister and I put our creative minds together. There are leadership battles, disorganization of organization and disappointment in the fact that I don't own dish towels in my house. But when it eventually came together, there was no ball park meets bbq baby shower that could have turned out better.

(photos courtesy of Jamie)

The Decorations and Food

The Party and Gifts

The Parting Gift

Friday, July 15, 2011

Preparing for the Baby Shower

Baby shower #1 is taking place at the new condo tomorrow afternoon, and while mom spent the day cooking the finger food portion of the party, Jamie and I put our creative talents together and came up with this fabulous looking dessert aptly named: Baseball Cakeballs.

All our hard work took a toll on at least one member of the family

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Return of Tummy Tuesday

Drum roll please...

Here it is: the belly at week 34 (week 35 if your like me and using the doctor's suggested due date of August 17th)

At this stage of the game, Jaxon is hanging out down low, but when he's not doing that he likes to place his feet on my ribs and leave them there. In return, my feet swell up.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Baby Find of the Day!

We went to The Christmas Tree Shop today for patio chair cushions and also came home with this little nursery gem:

I wish the cushions would have been as cute...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today's Challenge: The Nursery

Considering I wasn't aware I had to order a mattress to go along with the crib, I decided to call in the big guns to help set up the nursery. So as I wait on my mother to get to our house, here's a look at the "before" version of baby Jaxon's room:

...and here's the almost finished product:

this was just to make sure it was comfortable