Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Misbehaving Pups

My dogs aren't exactly known for their perfect behavior. If there's a pee stain, it's more than likely that Maxx had something to do with it. If there is a paper ripped up, Brees is probably nearby. But since we've moved, with the exception of the occasional accident, my puppies have been angels.

Until this morning.

They've gotten on a normal walking routine, but today it seemed Brees couldn't be bothered with schedules. He left a huge pile of poop in the middle of the floor. Maxx also woke up on the wrong side of the doggy bed, he's been growling as a ferociously as any little dog could about nothing in particular. After a stern talk about morning manors (nobody is a morning person in this household) Maxx decided to put himself on time out:

Friends again

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